POODLE: The cute, fluffy SSL vulnerability

October 20th, 2014 by
He's responsible for your SSL vulnerabilities. Photo credit: Greg Westfall, Flickr. CC-BY.

He’s responsible for your SSL vulnerabilities. Photo credit: Greg Westfall, Flickr, CC-BY.

SSL (or more accurately, its successor, TLS) is the technology used to keep your sensitive information, such as credit card details, secure. When you see the green padlock in your address bar, you know that your connection is safe from eavesdroppers. Or is it? Google have published details of a vulnerability in SSLv3. The vulnerability shouldn’t be an issue because SSLv3 has been almost completely replaced by TLS, but some implementations of TLS allow a “secure” connection to be downgraded to SSLv3.

When a computer connects to a secure service, such as an HTTPS website, the two sides will negotiate the version of the protocol to be used (a “handshake”). A server will initially offer a handshake using the strongest security it and the client are capable of. If the client does not respond correctly – for example because the client was incorrectly detected (and therefore is incapable of using that level of security), or because of a network glitch, the server will offer progressively weaker handshakes, until SSLv3 is used. This means that an active attacker could tamper with the SSL handshake using a man in the middle attack until it degrades to SSLv3.

At this time1, the best way to avoid this vulnerability is to disable support for SSLv3, both client-side and server-side. Systems administrators should disable SSLv3 by updating their server configuration, although note that in doing so you will prevent access from some very old platforms, most notably IE6 on Windows XP, which don’t support TLS.  End users should update their web browsers, as vendors are releasing new versions which disable SSLv3. If you’re still using IE6 on Windows XP and didn’t already have enough good reasons to upgrade, then this is another very good one.

Managed customers will have received an email from us, offering to make the necessary configuration changes to disable SSLv3. We would normally immediately apply a security patch, but as this breaks Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6 support we’ll wait for confirmation before applying it.

If you’re not a managed customer, add the following line to your Apache configuration file:

SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3

If you’re using Nginx, add:

ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

While dealing with SSLv3, it’s a good idea to run an SSL test using Qualys SSL Labs – this will check things like lack of SSL2 support (vulnerable since 1995), using SHA256, TLS 1.2 support, and support for perfect forward secrecy, among other things.

If this all sounds too complicated, it may be worth considering our management service. We’ll apply security patches for you, as well as monitoring your application and intervening if necessary, providing graphing and backups, and checking the health of your hard disks.

1 – TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV is an alternative fix, however at the moment server support is poor. However, a strong advantage of enabling it is that “fallback” attacks will be prevented in the future – allowing clients to use weaker security is rarely a good idea.

Explain To Us: an explanation

September 17th, 2014 by

This post is written by Ben Howe who’s with us for his gap year. He took some holiday to go to Young Rewired State and he’s written up what he did.

During the summer I participated in the Young Rewired State Festival of Code, where I wrote a website called “Explain To Us” – designed to make the list of bills currently before parliament less confusing. For example, the “summary” listed on the website is the “long title” from the legal text, as opposed to being clearer more detailed. Explain To Us is a platform which allows members of parliament to upload a short video “pitch” to explain what their bill is about and why it should be given debating time in parliament.

Young Rewired State is an independent global network of young people aged 18 and under who have taught themselves to code. They bring together like-minded peers at events around the world where they use open data to make websites, apps and other solutions to real world challenges. The Festival of Code is an annual celebration of programming held over a week in multiple centres, culminating in a huge showcase weekend where everyone presents their solutions (this year in Plymouth, hosted by Plymouth University).

A Python script interprets the RSS feed for all bills before parliament. It then visits the <link> for each bill, scraping the sponsor information (as this is not included in the RSS feed). HTML pages are then generated, which are served by nginx. In future, I’m planning to automatically email members  of parliament (using contact details from TheyWorkForYou) when they submit a new bill asking them to upload a video.

After my initial presentation, I was nominated for “Best In Show” – although sadly I was knocked out by “YouDraw” (who later won Best In Show). Having gained valuable feedback from presenting to the Speaker’s Commission on Digital Democracy and Tracy Green (head of online services at parliament), I’m now intending on building a second beta with more functionality.

If you’d like to work for Mythic Beasts in your gap year, you need to demonstrate how you can use Google to find our jobs page and work the rest out from there.