
September 27th, 2023 by

Last year, we undertook a significant data centre migration, with the closure of Digital Realty’s Meridian Gate requiring us to move our entire presence there to Redcentric’s City Life Line. Having done it once, why not do it again?

Southern Serval, leaping

Our shared hosting server “serval” has already migrated to SOV. [ Photo by Wynand Uys]

This year, we’re planning a move out of Harbour Exchange (HEX), and starting a presence in Telehouse South. A lot of the things we learned during the previous move are making this move easier to manage, although it is still a prodigious effort, both physically and in terms of design and infrastructure.

One of the things we’ve been working on for some time is improved network infrastructure within our data centres. This introduces IP address portability so that IP addresses do not need to change when servers are moved between data centres, as well as significantly higher bandwidth uplinks for our virtual server hosts.

In the last year, we’ve live migrated over a thousand VMs across two data centres, with minimal interruption to service.

We’re about to start migrating all VMs out of our HEX data centre. We have two available London destinations, SOV and CLL. If you’re a customer with a VM in our HEX data centre, we’ll be emailing you over the next couple of weeks, to check if you have a preference (for instance because you have existing services in one of those data centres, and would prefer to be moved to the other to maintain fault-tolerance).

We will also soon be able to offer Telehouse South as a virtual server zone, in addition to SOV and CLL. This means we will continue to provide three London-based zones for our customers running distributed services. We’ll retain a small residual presence in HEX for connectivity.

PHP 8.2

September 25th, 2023 by


Last year we enhanced our web hosting service with the ability to choose your own PHP verison. You can choose a different PHP version for each website hosted with us, so you can upgrade your staging site and test before you upgrade the production one. With PHP 8.0 about to go end-of-life, the addition of PHP 8.2 provides more options for migrating production applications.

Screenshot of account control panel

Choose your PHP version in the control panel

Since the initial roll-out, we’ve added more PHP versions to help with moving and upgrading older applications. Not only is the newest version PHP 8.2 available, but you can also select the older 7.3 and 7.4 versions. We’re proud to sponsor Ondřej Surý who creates the debian packages we rely on.

Our hosting accounts still support unlimited websites, have free and automatic SSL through Let’s Encrypt to keep your sites secure, and include MariaDB databases.

.ie domains and reduced domain pricing

June 19th, 2023 by
Trinity College library Dublin

A 400 year old data warehouse at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

We’ve just rolled out a price reduction for domain registration for the vast majority of the TLDs that we offer, including .com, .net and .org. We pay for most of our domains in US dollars, and thanks to the increasing strength of the pound against the dollar, we’ve been able to reduce our prices for all such domains by an average of just over 10%.

.ie domains

We’re also pleased to announce that we’re now able to offer .ie domain registrations. Unfortunately, ID requirements mean that we’re only able to offer these to corporate registrants, and standard .ie residency requirements apply. .ie domains have been a frustrating gap in our available TLDs for many years, so we’re very happy that we’re now at least partially able to fill it.

No-nonsense pricing

Our full price list can be found on our domains page.

We don’t offer loss-leading promotional pricing — we charge the same for new and existing customers alike, don’t ramp up pricing on renewals, and never charge transfer-out fees.

We offer small multi-year discounts for registration or renewals in advance, and pride ourselves on offering a good service for a reasonable price.

Other domains

We’re also a JISC registrar, meaning that we can provide .ac.uk and .gov.uk domains. We can provide credit accounts (subject to checks), allowing organisations to pay for domains via PO and invoice, if required.


Domain registrations include DNS with API access as standard. We also support DNSSEC, and naturally, our nameservers are IPv6-enabled. If you’re migrating existing domains to us, you can import zone files directly, via our control panel or the API. We also provide a Domain management API.

Debian Bookworm released and fully supported by Mythic Beasts

June 16th, 2023 by
Bookworm in a damaged book

A bookworm, photo by Dominic Mason


On Saturday the Debian team released the latest version of Debian, Bookworm. We’re pleased to announce that this is now available on our virtual and dedicated servers.

Bookworm is a fully supported operating system for our managed hosting and we already have it running on some of our internal production servers. Our preferred open source server management system, Sympl, has also been updated to support Bookworm. Other feature enhancements include much more control over PHP versions and settings. Our virtual server cloud has pre-built images for standard Bookworm and Bookworm with Sympl pre-installed.

There are many improvements in Bookworm, with PHP 8.2 support being the most anticipated by our customers. We would like to thank the Debian team for all their hard work in making this release.

IPv4 to IPv6 Proxy API

April 21st, 2023 by

We’ve been offering IPv6-only hosting for eight years now, and have demonstrated that many websites can forego the expense of an IPv4 address pretty easily. You can read more about how we do this on this blog post from 2020. This blog post itself is being served from an IPv6-only server!

A key part of this is our IPv4-to-IPv6 proxy. This listens for incoming traffic on a shared IPv4 address and forwards it to your IPv6-only server. In order to use the proxy, you need to tell it which hostnames to listen for, and which server or servers to forward traffic to. This can be done using our control panel, and as of today, it can also be done via an API.

Having an API for proxy configuration makes it possible to automatically add or remove backend servers, allowing you to spin up additional servers, or take servers out of service for failover or maintenance.

You can also use the API to add and remove hostnames handled by the proxy, and so can be used to automate the provisioning of new services.

Fine-grained access controls

As for our DNS API and Domain API, the Proxy API provides fine-grained access control for API keys. For example, you can create an API key that only has access to a specified domain or hostname, or you can create a read-only API key if you only need to read the current configuration.

Getting started

Our IPv4-to-IPv6 proxy is available to all customers with a Mythic Beasts server, including virtual servers, Raspberry Pi servers, dedicated and colo. You can find more information on the proxy service, and the Proxy API on our support pages.

Finance and Administrative Assistant

November 25th, 2022 by

Invoices, contracts, cheques and a free company mug.

We’re looking to employ a part-time finance and administrative assistant for between 15 and 25 hours a week. The duties of the role will likely include:

  • dealing with invoicing and payment queries from customers;
  • reconciling bank transfers with invoices;
  • uploading receipts to Hubdoc and Xero;
  • chasing up overdue invoices;
  • dealing with some paper mail to the company;
  • banking cheques;
  • filing paperwork;
  • administering annual leave;
  • keeping a calendar of administrative deadlines; and
  • other administrative and accounting duties.

Previous experience in a similar role is desirable, as is experience with Xero accounting software.

Mythic Beasts don’t have an office, so the job primarily involves working from home. We’ll provide you with a laptop and cover reasonable home-working expenses. Hours are flexible, but we would normally expect you to be available in Cambridge on Wednesday afternoons. Holiday entitlement will be based pro rata on hours worked, from a full-time allowance of 30 days per year, plus bank holidays. Salary is subject to experience. You will be eligible for company health insurance and membership of our employee share scheme after the qualifying period.

If you’re interested or would like to know more, drop us an email.

The secret to great technical support? No support staff.

October 21st, 2022 by

Over the years, we’ve gained a reputation for providing support that is above average for the hosting industry. Obviously it helps that the average is really quite low, and simply providing helpful answers in a timely manner puts you some way above it, but we’re proud of this reputation and work hard to provide the best support that we possibly can.

So what do we do differently?

Perhaps the biggest thing is that we don’t have any dedicated support staff.

Our support rota

Our support queue is staffed by a rolling rota that includes all of our technical staff. The staff responsible for managing our routers, running our DNS servers, developing our control panel and maintaining all our other infrastructure, all take it in turns to do regular days on “first line support”. And, yes, this includes our founders & directors.

The most obvious benefit of this is that customers get straight through to someone who can actually deal with their issue — all tickets are effectively escalated to what might elsewhere be considered second, or more likely third, line support, but without the hassle of fighting your way past chat bots and scripted replies.

XKCD 806

There’s no need to say “Shibboleet” to our staff.

That’s obviously better for the customer, but conventional wisdom is that good technical staff are too expensive to put on first line support, and you won’t retain them if you do.

Our company trades on its reputation for good support, so cost cutting here would be a false economy, and you only have to look at the likes of Stack Overflow and Quora to see that many technical experts enjoy using their knowledge to help others.

It is true that our staff probably wouldn’t want to do support full-time, but mixing support with normal responsibilities actually provides some useful variety, and has a number of other benefits.

Direct customer feedback

One of the most valuable benefits of this arrangement is the direct contact between our technical staff and our customers. Our staff get to see directly what our customers want to do, and what parts of our website and systems our customers find confusing. They’ve also got a strong incentive to improve them so that they don’t find themselves answering the same simple questions again and again when on support, and because our “support staff” are also the people responsible for those systems, they’re in a position to actually fix them.

Perhaps one of the best measures of how well this works is that the average time to deal with a support ticket has gone up over the years. All the easy support tickets that we used to be able to clean up before the first coffee in the morning have gone, because the customer did it themselves the night before. The tickets in the support queue are getting harder, and this is good thing (and yet another lesson in the hazards of optimising for KPIs).

Why we prefer email support

Our rolling rota of support staff is one of the reasons why we insist on email for support. Having a written record of all communications on a ticket makes it much easier to hand tickets from one person to the next. Customers don’t have to spend time explaining an issue each time it’s passed to a different member of staff – although for more complicated tickets, we do quite often ask the person who first picked it up to carry on with it, even if they’re no longer on support.

How far will this approach scale?

We’ve operated this system for quite a few years and the amount of time we spend dealing with support queries has grown steadily with the company.

We’ve no plans to change this approach, but it’s quite possible that there will come a point where it makes sense to hire staff whose primary role is support. Like all things, the more you do, the better you get, and one of the costs of our approach is that using non-dedicated staff is inefficient — they’re more likely to have to look things up or check with colleagues when responding to tickets.

We have already taken the step of splitting out finance-related support tickets into a separate queue, which is dealt with by our finance staff.

If we do ever take that step of employing dedicated support staff we won’t compromise on the quality of support that we provide, and it’s likely to be in addition to, rather than instead of, our rolling rota, because of the benefits it provides to both us and our customers.

New data centre presence: City Lifeline

May 27th, 2022 by

The rest room has a nice view, proper coffee and our branded mugs

In June last year, Digital Realty informed us that they planned to close the Meridian Gate (MER) data centre in 2023. Meridian Gate is our largest presence, so initially this seemed like really bad news. Moving data centres is such a daunting – and expensive – prospect that we’d never really consider it on its own, even if there are long term cost savings or technical benefits. But, once you’re forced to do it, it becomes a rare opportunity to do the kind of upgrades, reorganisation and general tidying that’s so hard to do in racks full of live servers.

Since the announcement we’ve been working hard to figure out not only how to replace the space in MER, but also how to make the most of this chance to configure and kit out new space exactly as we want it.

A key part of the plan is taking on a presence in a new London data centre so that we retain three separate sites in London, and we’re very pleased to announce that our new suite in Redcentric’s City Lifeline (CLL) data centre in Shoreditch is now live, and that our migration out of MER is well underway.

Our CLL presence is connected back to our other two London data centres, Digital Realty’s Sovereign House (SOV) and Equinix LD8 (aka Harbour Exchange/HEX), via a lit fibre ring. The new space allows us to offer dual, redundant 10Gbps to servers, as well as dual redundant power feeds. As with all our data centre space, we have switched PDUs, enabling power to be remotely controlled via our control panel, and remotely accessible serial consoles, so that almost all server issues can be resolved remotely.

If you have services in MER and haven’t already heard from us we’ll be in touch soon to discuss migration plans. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to minimise disruption to services from the migration out of MER. This includes network upgrades to enable IP portability between MER and CLL so that servers will not need to change IPs during the move and our team are doing a lot of late nights to reduce the impact of any unavoidable disruption.

If you’re interested in taking on new colocated or dedicated servers, please do get in touch as we’ve now got lots of capacity.

Choose your own PHP version

May 9th, 2022 by

One of our most common support requests recently is for PHP 8 on hosting accounts. Until now, our policy has been to run our hosting servers on a stable release of the Debian operating system, and to only install operating system-supplied packages. The ensures that we have a reliable, stable platform that it is fully covered by Debian’s security updates process.

Our hosting servers are currently on Debian 10 (Buster) which means PHP is stuck on version 7.3. Debian takes a pretty conservative approach to updates. Not so much “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” but more like “if it’s broken, but not a security hazard, still don’t fix it”. This is an excellent way to manage a stable, reliable operating system.

On the other hand, PHP 8 was released at the end of 2020, and it seems that an increasing number of developers are now dropping support for PHP 7 in their products. We find it odd that developers would drop support for a current stable version of what is probably the world’s most widely use server-side OS, but nonetheless we can’t ignore the increasing number of our customers who need a more recent version.

Choose your own version

We decided that if we were going to support newer versions of PHP, we’re going to do it properly and it’s now possible for users of our hosting accounts to select which version of PHP they use using our control panel.

The PHP version can be selected independently for each website hosted, and changes take effect immediately, making it easy to test migrations to a newer version, and roll-back if problems are encountered.

Our hosting accounts support unlimited hosted websites, so if you want to test whether your site will work with a newer version, you can always spin up a staging site on a sub-domain and switch the PHP version for just that site.

Supported versions

We currently support PHP 7.3, 7.4 and 8.1 on our hosting servers, and are considering adding support for 8.0. If you have a requirement for a specific version, please drop us an email.


The thing that makes this possible is the excellent work of Ondřej Surý, long-term maintainer of Debian’s PHP packages. In addition to providing the official Debian packages, Ondřej also provides deb.sury.org, a private repository providing Debian packages for multiple versions of PHPs, built and maintained to the same standards as the official Debian packages.

Raspberry Pi Desktop now in our Raspberry Pi Cloud

March 28th, 2022 by

Raspberry Pi Desktop is now available as a supported image in our Raspberry Pi Cloud on all Raspberry Pi 4 servers, providing a true remote desktop.

This is set up with the standard desktop operating system, a virtual 1080p monitor attached and VNC set up for immediate desktop access, and is secured using an SSH ‘tunnel’ to access your desktop so everything is encrypted between the client and server.

Install the desktop edition on your Raspberry Pi:

Add your SSH key:

Power the Raspberry Pi on:

You can then connect to the Rasberry Pi as normal, but now add “-L 5900:localhost:5900” to the SSH command line, which will bind port 5900 (the default VNC port) on your local computer to port 5900 on the Raspberry Pi on the other end of the SSH connection.

(If you’re using PuTTY or a similar SSH client, you should be able to find the relevant setting in Connection>SSH>Tunnels – you’ll want to set the source port to be “5900”, and the destination to be “localhost:5900″.)

Next, connect to the server (substitute ”1234″ for your SSH port, found in the control panel, and use the name of your hosted Pi) as root to establish the connection:

$ ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 -p 1234 root@ssh.yourserver.hostedpi.com
The authenticity of host ...
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:.....
Linux rpi-bullseye-arm64-vnc...

Then, set the password for the Pi desktop user:

$ passwd pi
New password: 
Retype new password: 
passwd: password updated successfully

And finally, connect with a local VNC client to “localhost” and up pops a desktop:

Raspberry Pi virtual desktop running on a real Raspberry Pi in our cloud.